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Notes from a Sad Intertubes Blackout

I’m obviously not depriving myself of ALL internet, or I wouldn’t be writing this. Actually, I’ve spent the past hour or so reading posts on Hyperbole and a Half. That girl is so brilliant.

Anyway, I’m just trying to avoid any news whatsoever about the European Grand Prix, which I won’t get to see for another two hours.  Hopefully, it will be safe to watch the England-Germany World Cup game, because that’s how I plan to make it through the next two hours.

This whole not-live F1 coverage thing is kind of messing with my head.  Not that that’s terribly difficult to do.  For example, I actually had the following thought progression, which I will now freely admit to all zero people reading this:

1.  Go England!

2. Hmm . . . wait . . . do I root for England, as I normally might?  Or do I root for Germany, because it might make Sebastian Vettel drive more quickly and exuberantly if they win?

3. . . . . . . . . .

4. HELLO. The race will already be over at that point, dumbass.

Hopefully, he’s enjoying some champagne and watching the game right now.

Edited to add: I think I might have just gotten spoiled by a comment on the Transmission blog. I AM SUCH AN IDIOT.

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